1. Hydra Facial Machine: Cleanse & Infuse( Spiral Vaccum + Specific Solutions )
2. Oxygen Jet: Jet Lymphatic Drainage & Exfoliation & Infusion( Reaching a skin depth of up to 4.5 mm (3/16″) )
3. Oxygeneo Facial Machine: Exfoliate & Revive( CO2 Microdermabrasion & Vibration& the Bohr Effect )
4. High Frequency Facial Machine: Treat Acne Problems( Use Small Currents Of Targeted Thermal Energy To Create Ozone )
5. Galvanic Facial Machine: Tighten & Tone( Bipolar Microcurrent )
6. Rf Skin Tightening Machine: Boost & Rejuvenate( Dual bipolar Radio Frequency 1MHz )
7. Ultrasonic: Nourish & Moisture( Ultra Energy 1MHz )
8. Spray Gun: Treat And Improve The SKin Problems( Use High Pressure Oxygen To Make The Essence Atomized )
9. Cold Therapy: Reduces Inflammation And Swelling While Reducing Pore Size
Maxbeauty Newest Generation Of Hydra Facial Machine’s eight technologies offer the user absolute control to design the most accurate protocol for each skin type and need.